Intoxication and Secrets

But I have to say these things...
Silly how life sometimes squeezes you too hard 'til you puke it all out.

1. I keep three "secret" poetry blogs (but for sure, knowing the www, someone out there might have been reading them for a while now.) and I'm not planning to show my poems to anybody I know anytime soon.
2. I'm stalking on someone (- and I'm not very good at it. sadly.)
3. I'm not okay.
4. I don't know what to do with my life - with myself.
5. I'm afraid of losing myself (in any possible way).
6. I'm a comfy liar.
7. I have many guilty pleasures (yea.)
8. There's this baby sadist in me (no, not actually, a teen sadist rather)
9. I hate super friendly people.
10. I think I'm stupid.
11. I'm greedy.
12. The thought of goodbye petrifies me.
13. I talk to myself. Literally.
14. I love making people uncomfortable (sadist nga kase).
15. I hate explaining things verbally.
16. Thinking about death quiets me.
17. I have to flirt at least once a day (in any sort of way).
18. I can sit alone in one corner for the rest of the day and not get bored or lonely.
19. I'm a bratinella by nature (repressed type lang).
20. I have murderous tendencies.
21. I'm actually a very very touchy person (but not in a maniac kind of way, of course) and it makes me sad how most people aren't comfortable with that.
22. I feel alone and scared (or funny) most of the time.
23. I want to break away from my religion and be the sole responsible for my spirituality.
24. I want to be a chain smoker
25 - but I don't want to be addicted to anything/anybody.


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